Results for 'Autumn K. Hanna'

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    Rethinking Urban Poverty: A Look at Community Gardens.Pikai Oh & Autumn K. Hanna - 2000 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 20 (3):207-216.
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    Sexuality Matters: Paradigms and Policies for Educational Leaders.James W. Koschoreck & Autumn K. Tooms (eds.) - 2009 - R&L Education.
    This book brings together scholars from a variety of epistemological perspectives to explore the multiple ways in which sexuality does indeed matter in the arena of public education.
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    Pragmatic effects on reference resolution in a collaborative task: evidence from eye movements.Joy E. Hanna & Michael K. Tanenhaus - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28 (1):105-115.
    In order to investigate whether addressees can make immediate use of speaker‐based constraints during reference resolution, participant addressees' eye movements were monitored as they helped a confederate cook follow a recipe. Objects were located in the helper's area, which the cook could not reach, and the cook's area, which both could reach. Critical referring expressions matched one object (helper's area) or two objects (helper's and cook's areas), and were produced when the cook's hands were empty or full, which defined the (...)
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  4. Revisiting Child‐Based Objections to Commercial Surrogacy.Jason K. M. Hanna - 2010 - Bioethics 24 (7):341-347.
    Many critics of commercial surrogate motherhood argue that it violates the rights of children. In this paper, I respond to several versions of this objection. The most common version claims that surrogacy involves child‐selling. I argue that while proponents of surrogacy have generally failed to provide an adequate response to this objection, it can be overcome. After showing that the two most prominent arguments for the child‐selling objection fail, I explain how the commissioning couple can acquire parental rights by paying (...)
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    am: A case study in AI methodology.G. D. Ritchie & F. K. Hanna - 1984 - Artificial Intelligence 23 (3):249-268.
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    Intensional Protocols for Dynamic Epistemic Logic.Hanna S. van Lee, Rasmus K. Rendsvig & Suzanne van Wijk - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (6):1077-1118.
    In dynamical multi-agent systems, agents are controlled by protocols. In choosing a class of formal protocols, an implicit choice is made concerning the types of agents, actions and dynamics representable. This paper investigates one such choice: An intensional protocol class for agent control in dynamic epistemic logic, called ‘DEL dynamical systems’. After illustrating how such protocols may be used in formalizing and analyzing information dynamics, the types of epistemic temporal models that they may generate are characterized. This facilitates a formal (...)
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    Harnessing the potential of public procurement for the protein transition – perceived barriers and facilitators.Sanne K. Djojosoeparto, Muriel C. D. Verain, Hanna Schebesta, Sander Biesbroek, Maartje P. Poelman & Jeroen J. L. Candel - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-18.
    Shifting dietary patterns from animal-based proteins to more plant-based and alternative protein sources – the protein transition – is urgently needed to improve planetary and human health. Public food procurement is considered to be an effective policy instrument to accelerate the protein transition and to be a potential game changer towards a sustainable food system. However, this potential has remained far from leveraged, and it is largely unknown which barriers and enablers exist in that context. Therefore, this study aimed to (...)
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    Well-being at work and Finnish dairy farmers─from job demands and loneliness towards burnout.Marja K. Kallioniemi, Janne Kaseva, Hanna-Riitta Kymäläinen & Jari J. Hakanen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectivesNovel information about the relationships between farmers’ job demands, lack of resource, burnout, and ill health is reported based on testing the so-called “health impairment process” of the Job Demands─Resources Model on a representative sample of Finnish dairy farmers. The aim was to find out whether two different job demand factors; workload, societal demands and lack of resource; loneliness, were related to the indicators of ill health via burnout.MethodsThe data is based on a postal survey of 400 Finnish dairy farms. (...)
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  9. Harnessing the potential of public procurement for the protein transition – perceived barriers and facilitators.Sanne K. Djojosoeparto, Muriel C. D. Verain, Hanna Schebesta, Sander Biesbroek, Maartje P. Poelman & Jeroen J. L. Candel - 2025 - Agriculture and Human Values 42 (1):351-368.
    Shifting dietary patterns from animal-based proteins to more plant-based and alternative protein sources – the protein transition – is urgently needed to improve planetary and human health. Public food procurement is considered to be an effective policy instrument to accelerate the protein transition and to be a potential game changer towards a sustainable food system. However, this potential has remained far from leveraged, and it is largely unknown which barriers and enablers exist in that context. Therefore, this study aimed to (...)
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    The dignity of the nursing profession.Laura Sabatino, Alessandro Stievano, Gennaro Rocco, Hanna Kallio, Anna-Maija Pietila & Mari K. Kangasniemi - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (6):659-672.
    Background: Nursing continues to gain legitimation epistemologically and ontologically as a scientific discipline throughout the world. If a profession gains respect as a true autonomous scientific profession, then this recognition has to be put in practice in all environments and geographical areas. Nursing professional dignity, as a self-regarding concept, does not have a clear definition in the literature, and it has only begun to be analyzed in the last 10 years. Objectives: The purpose of this meta-synthesis was to determine the (...)
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    Defining and redefining work: Implications for women's health.Afaf Ibrahim Meleis, Laurie Yoder, Judith Spiers, Hanna Regev, Aroha Page, Eun-ok Im & Deanne K. Hilfinger Messias - 1997 - Gender and Society 11 (3):296-323.
    In this article the authors examine the ways in which the definition of work as paid employment has affected women's health research, the knowledge and understanding of the relationships between women's work and health, and health and social policies. The authors argue for research and public policy based on an expanded definition of women's work, a redefinition that goes beyond employment to reflect the multiple contexts and dimensions of women's work as well as the diversity and differences among women.
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  12. The Myth of the Given and the Grip of the Given.Robert Hanna - 2011 - Diametros 27:25-46.
    In this paper I argue that the Sellarsian Myth of the Given does not apply to all forms of Non-Conceptualism; that Kant is in fact a non-conceptualist of the right-thinking kind and not a Conceptualist, as most Kant-interpreters think; and that an intelligible and defensible Kantian Non-Conceptualism can be developed which supports the thesis that true perceptual beliefs are non-inferentially justified and also normatively funded by direct, embodied, intentional interactions with the manifest world (a.k.a. the Grip of the Given).
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    Informed Consent in Two Alzheimer’s Disease Research Centers: Insights From Research Coordinators.Christine M. Suver, Jennifer K. Hamann, Erin M. Chin, Felicia C. Goldstein, Hanna M. Blazel, Cecelia M. Manzanares, Megan J. Doerr, Sanjay J. Asthana, Lara M. Mangravite, Allan I. Levey, James J. Lah & Dorothy F. Edwards - 2020 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 11 (2):114-124.
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    The Socio-Political Context of the Concept of Nature by H. D. Thoreau and R. W. Emerson.Hanna Liebiedieva - 2024 - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy 1 (10):20-25.
    B a c k g r o u n d. The article reveals the connection between the concept of nature of the transcendentalists R.W. Emerson and H.D. Thoreau and the Socio-Political Discourse of the 19th century United States of America. Specific socio-political aspects that formed the basis for the formation of manifestations about nature in the United States in the 19th century were: growing industrialization, the anti-slavery movement, and policies regarding the indigenous population. The article will note the impact of (...)
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    Affective responses after different intensities of exercise in patients with traumatic brain injury.Patricia Rzezak, Luciana Caxa, Patricia Santolia, Hanna K. M. Antunes, Italo Suriano, Sérgio Tufik & Marco T. de Mello - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The Concept of Nature in the Works of American Transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau.Hanna Liebiedieva - 2023 - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy 2 (9):30-35.
    B a c k g r o u n d. This article reveals the understanding of the concept of nature in the works of the American philosopher Henry David Thoreau. Henry David Thoreau is an American philosopher, poet, essayist, naturalist and political activist. Together with Ralph Waldo Emerson, his friend and mentor, he is considered one of the founders of the transcendentalist movement. Transcendentalism was a powerful movement of American philosophy of the 19th century. It was characterized by focusing on (...)
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  17. The Concept of Nature in the Political Philosophy of the American Transcendentalists of R. W. Emerson and H. D. Thoreau.Hanna Liebiedieva - forthcoming - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy.
    B a c k g r o u n d. The article examines the interconnection between the philosophy of nature and the political philosophy of the transcendentalists R. W. Emerson and H. D. Thoreau. For these thinkers, political philosophy was intrinsically linked to their understanding of nature, which they considered the foundation for comprehending social and political processes. Both transcendentalists emphasized the importance of unity with nature as a key factor in personal development. They regarded individual growth as the cornerstone (...)
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    Youth policy development in Ukraine - experience of the European Union.Hanna Ortina & Liudmyla Yefimenko - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії:129-130.
    «Youth policy» as an independent term is defined in the scientific literature in the 1960s., which in many ways «was associated with the formation of youth as an independent social force and its self-determination in the socio-political space». By the 1970s XX century youth policy in the vast majority of developed countries is transforming an independent direction of national policy. Youth is a complex, multidimensional and rather controversial social phenomenon. Modern youth acts as the most active and mobile social group, (...)
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    LATER GREEK TRAGEDY - (V.) Liapis, (A.K.) Petrides (edd.) Greek Tragedy After the Fifth Century. A Survey from ca. 400 bc to ca. ad 400. Pp. xiv + 415, ill. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. Cased, £94.99, US$131 (Paper, £29.99, US$38.99). ISBN: 978-1-107-03855-4 (978-1-009-06983-0 pbk). [REVIEW]Hanna Gołąb - 2023 - The Classical Review 73 (1):71-72.
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    Importance of olfactory and visual signals of autumn leaves in the coevolution of aphids and trees.Jarmo K. Holopainen - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (9):889-896.
    Deciduous trees remobilize the nitrogen in senescing leaves during the process of autumn colouration, which in many species is associated with increased concentrations of anthocyanins. Archetti1 and Hamilton and Brown2 observed that autumn colouration is stronger in tree species facing a high diversity of specialist aphids. They proposed a coevolution theory that the bright colours in autumn might provide an honest signal of defence commitment, thus deterring migrant aphids from settling on the leaves. So far, there have (...)
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  21. Radulfus niger-chronica: Eine englische weltchronik Des 12. jahrhunderts. By Hanna Krause. [REVIEW]K. H. K. H. - 1987 - History and Theory 26 (3):383.
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    Theorists and Actors.Leigh K. Jenco - 2008 - Political Theory 36 (2):213-238.
    This paper draws on the thought of the early twentieth century Chinese intellectual Zhang Shizhao to re-examine the foundations of effective political action. Writing during the critical historical juncture that spanned the fall of China's last imperial dynasty and the establishment of a republican government, Zhang reflects upon the possibilities for political action in contexts where the communities that might underwrite its meaning are no longer--or not yet--accessible. These reflections culminate in Zhang's vision of self-rule as an individualized process of (...)
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    Being prevented from providing good care: a conceptual analysis of moral stress among health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.Martina E. Gustavsson, Johan von Schreeb, Filip K. Arnberg & Niklas Juth - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-11.
    Background Health care workers (HCWs) are susceptible to moral stress and distress when they are faced with morally challenging situations where it is difficult to act in line with their moral standards. In times of crisis, such as disasters and pandemics, morally challenging situations are more frequent, due to the increased imbalance between patient needs and resources. However, the concepts of moral stress and distress vary and there is unclarity regarding the definitions used in the literature. This study aims to (...)
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    (2 other versions)Oxford textbook of philosophy and psychiatry.K. W. M. Fulford - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Tim Thornton & George Graham.
    Mental health research and care in the twenty first century faces a series of conceptual and ethical challenges arising from unprecedented advances in the neurosciences, combined with radical cultural and organisational change. The Oxford Textbook of Philosophy of Psychiatry is aimed at all those responding to these challenges, from professionals in health and social care, managers, lawyers and policy makers; service users, informal carers and others in the voluntary sector; through to philosophers, neuroscientists and clinical researchers. Organised around a series (...)
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  25. Human facial expressions as adaptations: Evolutionary questions in facial expression research.K. L. Schmidt & J. F. Cohn - 2001 - American Journal of Physical Anthropology:3-24.
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  26. Applied Yoga Psychology Studies of Neurophysiology of Meditation.K. Rao - 2011 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 18 (11-12):161-198.
    Yoga-Sutras of Patanjali is a foundational psychological text that organizes, codifies, and systematically presents in s_tra form the psychology as practised in India around second century BCE. Its theme is to help humans free themselves from their congenital bondage due to conditioned existence and consequent suffering. The goal is to restore the person to her inherent unconditioned blissful being. The quintessence of Yoga is meditation. Meditation consists of dharana and dhyana, a contemplative state of passive attention precipitated by a prolonged (...)
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  27. In Defense of Political Equality: On Bai Tongdong’s Against Political Equality.Yarran Hominh - 2022 - Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture 37:59-90.
    Bai Tongdong’s Against Political Equality argues for Confucian meritocracy over a pure democracy of equals. His arguments draw on a multiple modernities comparison between the Spring and Autumn Warring States period in China and early modernity in the West, and rest on a Mencian conception of human nature according to which humans are equal in moral potential but not in moral actuality. I argue that there is a crucial disanalogy between this Chinese early modernity and Western early modernity: the (...)
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    Nicolaus Cusanus on faith and the intellect: a case study in 15th-Century Fides-Ratio Controversy.K. M. Ziebart - 2014 - Boston: Brill.
    In Nicolaus Cusanus on Faith and the Intellect: A Case Study in 15th-Century Fides-Ratio Controversy, K.M. Ziebart presents an account of the Cusan epistemology as a fascinating late-medieval attempt to definitively harmonize faith and reason.
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    "Azikwelwa" : Politics and Value in Black South African Poetry.Anne McClintock - 1987 - Critical Inquiry 13 (3):597-623.
    On the winter morning of 16 June 1976, fifteen thousand black children marched on Orlando Stadium in Soweto, carrying slogans dashed on the backs of exercise books. The children were stopped by armed police who opened fire, and thirteen-year-old Hector Peterson became the first of hundreds of schoolchildren to be shot down by police in the months that followed. If, a decade later, the meaning of Soweto’s “year of fire” is still contested,1 it began in this way with a symbolic (...)
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    Ḥinukh ke-maʻarekhet murkevet.Gila Kurtz, Hanna Bar-Yishay & Khalid Arar (eds.) - 2020 - Ḥefah: Pardes hotsaʼah la-or.
  31. Feyerabend's theoretical pluralism : an investigation of the epistemic value of false theories.K. Brad Wray - 2021 - In Karim Bschir & Jamie Shaw, Interpreting Feyerabend: Critical Essays. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  32. Social Identity. U: ET Higgins & AW Kruglanski (ur.).K. Deaux - 1996 - In E. E. Higgins & A. Kruglanski, Social Psychology: Handbook of Basic Principles. Guilford.
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  33. Motivators and enablers of SCOURing: A study of online piracy in the US and UK.K. J. Shanahan & M. R. Hyman - 2010 - Journal of Business Research 63 (9):1095--1102.
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  34. Marx's Grundrisse.K. MARX - 1971
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    Atomistic simulations of the tensile strength of a disclinated bicrystalline nanofilm.K. Zhou, A. A. Nazarov & M. S. Wu - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (27):3181-3191.
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    The antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic properties of Fe2MnSi.K. A. R. Ziebeck & P. J. Webster - 1976 - Philosophical Magazine 34 (6):973-982.
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  37. Mindsight: Eyeless vision in the blind.K. Ring - 2001 - In David Lorimer, Thinking beyond the brain: a wider science of consciousness. Edinburgh: Floris Books. pp. 59--70.
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  38. Socially Intelligent Agents-Towards a Science of Social Minds. Submitted to.K. Dautenhahn - forthcoming - Minds and Machines.
  39. Problemy rodziny w nauczaniu i wychowaniu szkolnym.K. Czuba - 1995 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 1.
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  40. Li lun kao gu xue =.K. R. Dark - 2005 - Changsha Shi: Yue lu shu she.
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  41. The Metaphysical Basis of Environmental Ethics: A Spinozistic Approach.K. L. Das - 2006 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 33 (3/4):263.
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  42. (1 other version)Human suffering in grief: Factors affecting intensity and morbidity.K. Switzer David - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  43. The Struggle for Control of Global Communication.K. David - 2003 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 16 (2):130-131.
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  44. Die ersten 9 Jahre der Kantgesellschaft.K. Müller - 1913 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 18:309.
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  45. Erratum.K. Dechoum & H. M. França - 1996 - Foundations of Physics 26 (11):1573.
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  46. In defence of the British constitution: theoretical implications of the debate over Athenian democracy in Britain, 1770-1850.K. Demetriou - 1996 - History of Political Thought 17 (2):280-297.
    Writing a history of ancient Greece, in periods of political turbulence and transition, involved the construction of an edifying platform for civil conduct. Britain, 1770-1850, was one such period. In examining Athenian democracy the British historians of the late eighteenth century, like William Mitford and John Gillies, found a convenient channel to articulate their private political preferences and antipathies, thereby accentuating the ideological antagonism of the post-revolutionary age. Athenian liberalism was deliberately drawn from oblivion only to be set as a (...)
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  47. A proposito di un libro recente.K. Marx E. Il Principio di & Non Contraddizione - 1986 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 41:91.
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  48. Kant und die beschreibenden Naturwissenschaften. Zur epistemologischen und wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen Kant-Interpretation von S. Marcucci.K. Düsing - 1984 - Kant Studien 75 (3):340.
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  49. The affective Simon effect: How Automatic? How conscious?K. Duscherer & D. Holender - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (2):S71 - S71.
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  50. Filosofie a ideologie frankfurtské školy: kritika některých koncepcí: [sborník].Zdeněk Javůrek (ed.) - 1976 - Praha: Academia.
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